The average house price on CALCOTT CLOSE is £321,522
The most expensive house in the street is 9 CALCOTT CLOSE with an estimated value of £432,249
The cheapest house in the street is 7 CALCOTT CLOSE with an estimated value of £263,807
The house which was most recently sold was 8 CALCOTT CLOSE, this sold on 18 Jan 2022 for £285,000
The postcode for CALCOTT CLOSE is TS19 0UB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 CALCOTT CLOSE Semi-Detached , 82 m2 £283,415 £205,000 29 Jan 2016
4 CALCOTT CLOSE Semi-Detached , 94 m2 £348,646 £320,000 16 Nov 2021
6 CALCOTT CLOSE Detached , 126 m2 £298,858 £175,000 4 Jan 2013
7 CALCOTT CLOSE Detached , 105 m2 £263,807 £195,000 26 May 2016
8 CALCOTT CLOSE Detached , 174 m2 £302,157 £285,000 18 Jan 2022
9 CALCOTT CLOSE Detached , 135 m2 £432,249 £249,950 25 Aug 2006